Symi Harbour

April's farewell to Paris 2002

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Before April left Paris she spent her final week partying.
Cake  Champagne  Beer  | Chinese

April's last day at the library


Before we open the library we always have 'elevenses'. 

April, John and Trang with the cake


However on this special occasion there was cake.






Minutes later ....


"we'll save the rest till later" suggests April   ...and that was the last time we saw the cake. 

After we close the library April continues the celebrations. 


Zarine, Fiona, Trang and April

This time there's champagne

Zarine, John, Fiona, Lizzy, Caroline and April with the champagne

Word quickly spreads around the office and more colleagues join us

Zarine, Fiona, Sarah, Caroline, John, Trang and April who relunctantly puts the champagne back on the table

The party moves across the Esplanade to Le Recrutement, 


April and Rachel

where there's more toasts 

Michael, David and April

Charles, Sarah, Sarah, Richard, Michael


                                             and fond farewells








The big night out in China Town.


The guests arrive and fill up the table.

April, Joel and Sarah

Joel Sarah, April, Neil            camera pans around the room

me, John and the pastis





very sexy Zarine! 



me, John, Zarine, John



Hello everyone!




Trang and Tai


Trang and Tai complete the circle




Then the serious business of drinking begins

Tai and the girls

Neil demonstrates his artistic talents




Neil, the beer drinking photographer



followed by food


a drum solo, 

John improvises with chopsticks 

Sarah   Neil

lively conversation


Neil and April Neil and John





and music

"Eh, are you dancin'?"

Joel and me






"Are you askin'?"





"yeh, we're dancin!"

strutting our funky stuff!

 Meanwhile back at the table champagne arrives

even more champagne!

Cheers and bon voyage!


Updated: 14/07/2022 Website design by Fiona Ellis © 2024